Sales Representative

Phone: 705.472.2980

Buying or Selling a home is a big decision - you need an experienced professional to guide you through the process. When you work with me, you can count on personal, attentive, patient service, excellent knowledge of the area, great negotiation skills and expert selling strategies.

As a professional full-time Realtor, I believe that when Selling a home the first impression is one of the most important factors to help your home sell quickly and at top dollar. You really only have one chance to make a good first impression, staging can maximize that impression in today's discerning market place.  Let me bring my staging expertise to your home and show you how small changes can reap big rewards. 

The real estate market is always changing and it is very important when Buying a home to have the correct information so that your Buying experience can be an enjoyable one.  I am committed to educating my Buyers and assisting them in finding their dream home.

Did you know?

For Buyers

Experienced home buyers know just what to look for in a property. Here are some great tips for a smooth search.

Learn more

For Sellers

Want buyers to see how ideal your home is for them? Simply follow the guidelines that successful home staging consultants use to make properties even more attractive.

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My Area

Buying in an area you’ll be happy in is just as important as choosing a home you love. I can help you find the place that’s just right for you.

Learn more

Contact Me

I am here to help with all your real estate needs and questions. Let me know what's on your mind and start a conversation.

Home Valuation

For most people, their house is their single biggest investment. Find out how much your investment is worth with a no-obligation market valuation.

Find a Dream Home

If you are in the market for your "Dream Home" then I would love to help. Simply fill out my Buyer Registration card and I will have suitable new listings emailed to you as soon as they come on the market.

Contact Me

Let me know what's on your mind and let's start a conversation.

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Sales Representative

Phone: 705.472.2980

Information Request

Have a question about the local real estate market? Please fill out the form below to ask me a question.

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Free Home Evaluation

For most people, their house is their single biggest investment. Find out how much your investment is worth with a no-obligation market valuation.

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Contact Me

Let me know what's on your mind and let's start a conversation.

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